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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Immortal Garden

Thoughts of my ancestors course through me
like the hot blood coursing through my veins .
The passion of their spirits rises up within me
till it is an unquenchable urge
that absorbs me into their very essence.

Time has no walls to hold their spirits bound
from the passion that wells within my heart.

Thoughts reel inside my mind  
Thoughts without order or consequence...
only feelings, powerful feelings
My entire being trembles as I remember
the people who created the path I now walk.

My ancestors footsteps create echoes
that resonate inside me like some invisible
signal calling from a distant place within me.
Memories haunt my dreams in a sleep that has no waking

Passions rise up from places long forgotten
yet strangely remembered
in some intangible place within my soul,
the place where the unformed resides.
Here, those passions blossom like irises
on a warm spring day then water my soul
that thirsts for the familiar and the distant to unite
Once again in the place where time steps aside
and the dance resumes outside the choreography
Of rules written for mortal beings.

The sound of the drums teleport my soul back through time,
a time long ago yet near to my spirit.
The beating of the drums awakened me to memories
That stir a longing deep within my soul to return
To that place of my ancestors,
To hear their chanting and singing,
To sing the prayers and dance the dances of spirit
To walk endlessly along the path beside them,
The people who created the soul that is me...
Grandmothers and Grandfathers call to me
In voices remembered yet unspoken.

What is it that I seek?
The immortal garden
The place of creation where love exists eternally
without condition or abandon
and peace abounds in all living creatures. ...
The place of my beginnings in humanity
through my ancestors flesh, blood and spirit
I will find my way by walking the path they walked.
The past will take me home to the beginning of time
Back to the garden,
The garden where outside time
We have always been.

-by Summer Breeze, The Midnight Writer
August 5, 2008

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